My Story

"I realized I needed to master my inner self If I wanted to live my Dream Life. "

Throughout my journey I realized just how out of balance my life was in all areas and how I was always looking externally instead of internally for happiness, acceptance and approval.
It wasn’t until my husband of 11years unexpectedly left me (through a text message). Informing me that he has been planning for the past 6 months. That my credit cards and bank account have been locked and the business we owned with our partners is going to close within the next couple of months. All this while I was living abroad. No support system, no family around to lean on.
During my divorce and emotional recovery from loss of a loved one, loss of business, financial instability and trying to figure out who I was at the age of 35.
I realized I had to take back control of my life & my happiness!
I realized I had no idea what self love was.
I realized I had to start to take responsibility for my own happiness.
I realized I was the ONLY person who could make that shift.
I realized that the decision to live my best life lied within me.
This sparked a thought within me. If I was feeling like this, how many other women out there must be struggling with the same thing?